Hanna Instruments HI 981404N-01 User Manual
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HI 1286
Double junction, plastic body pH electrode
with 2 m (6.6’) cable and BNC connector
HI 1283*
Stainless steel grounding probe with 2 m
(6.6’) cable
HI 7632*
Conductivity probe with 2 m (6.6’) cable for
HI 981405N
HI 7634*
Conductivity probe with 2 m (6.6’) cable for
HI 981404N
HI 70004P
pH 4.01 buffer, 20 mL sachet, 25 pcs
HI 70007P
pH 7.01 buffer, 20 mL sachet, 25 pcs
HI 70010P
pH 10.01 buffer, 20 mL sachet, 25 pcs
HI 7004M
pH 4.01 buffer solution, 230 mL bottle
HI 7007M
pH 7.01 buffer solution, 230 mL bottle
HI 7010M
pH 10.01 buffer solution, 230 mL bottle
HI 7004L
pH 4.01 buffer solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 7007L
pH 7.01 buffer solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 7010L
pH 10.01 buffer solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 70031P
1.41 mS/cm solution, 20 mL sachet, 25 pcs
HI 70442P
1500 ppm solution, 20 mL sachet, 25 pcs
HI 7031M
1.41 mS/cm standard solution, 230 mL bottle
HI 70442M 1500 ppm standard solution, 230 mL bottle
HI 7031L
1.41 mS/cm standard solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 70442L
1500 ppm standard solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 70300M Storage solution, 230 mL bottle
HI 70300L
Storage solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 7061M
Cleaning solution, 230 mL bottle
HI 7061L
Cleaning solution, 500 mL bottle
HI 710005
12 Vdc power adapter, US plug
HI 710006
12 Vdc power adapter, European plug
HI 710012
12 Vdc power adapter, Australian plug
HI 710013
12 Vdc power adapter, Southern Africa plug
HI 710014
12 Vdc power adapter, UK plug
* To be replaced by authorized technical personnel only
In order to protect the instrument against vapors and
humidity, the BNC connector is shielded behind a waterproof
• Slide the protective sheath down, connect the pH elec-
trode to the BNC connector and then slide the protective
sheath back up. For maximum waterproof protection,
make sure the connector is completely covered.
• Do not be alarmed if white crystals appear around the
electrode protective cap. This is normal with pH elec-
trodes and they dissolve when rinsed with water.
• Turn the meter on by connecting the 12 Vdc power
adapter to the meter and the mains.
• Remove the protective cap from the pH electrode.
• Immerse the tips (4cm/1½”)
of pH electrode, conductiv-
ity and grounding probes
into the sample.
For better accuracy, the
probes should not touch or
stand close to the vessel’s
walls or bottom.
• The two LCDs will show the
pH and EC (or TDS) values.
Any initial variation may
be due to the pH electrode
conditioning and EC/TDS
temperature compensation.
Allow the readings to sta-
• When not in use, rinse the electrode with water and store
it with a few drops of storage (HI 70300) or pH7
(HI 7007) solution in the protective cap. Always replace
the protective cap after use.
• If the electrode has been left dry, soak the tip in a
storage (HI 70300) or pH7 (HI 7007) solution over-
night to reactivate it.
The instrument must be recalibrated whenever:
a) After cleaning or replacing the probe
b) Where high accuracy is required
c) At least once a month
Pour small quantities of pH 7.0 (HI 7007) and pH 4.0
(HI 7004) or pH 10.0 (HI 7010) solution into two clean
For accurate calibration use two beakers for each buffer
solution, the first one for rinsing the tip of the electrode and
the second one for calibration.
• Turn the meter on.
• Remove the protective cap, rinse and immerse pH
electrode and gorunding probe in pH 7.0 buffer solu-
tion. Stir gently and wait for the reading to stabilize.
Note: The pH electrode should be submerged approximately
4 cm (1½”) in the solution.
• With the calibration screwdriver, adjust the “pH 7”
trimmer until the LCD shows “pH 7.0”.
• Rinse and immerse pH electrode and grounding probe
in pH 4.0 (or pH 10.0) buffer. Stir gently.
• Wait a couple of minutes and then adjust the “pH 4”
trimmer until the LCD shows “pH 4.0” (or “pH 10.0”).
The pH calibration is now complete.
• Turn the meter on.
• Pour a small quantity of the proper calibration solution
in a beaker (HI 7031 for HI 981405N and HI 70442 for
HI 981404N). If possible, use plastic beakers to mini-
mize any EMC interference.
• Immerse the conductivity probe in the solution, making
sure that the metal pins are completely submerged.
Note: For best accuracy, the probe body does not touch nor
stand close to the side walls of the beaker.
• Wait for a couple of minutes for thermal equilibrium to
be reached and the temperature to be compensated.
• Tap the probe gently on the bottom, then shake it to
make sure no air bubbles have remained trapped.
• With the supplied screwdriver, adjust the calibration trim-
mer until the display shows 1.41 mS/cm (HI 981405N) or
1500 ppm (HI 981404N).
Calibration is now complete.
• To minimize clogging and provide longer life for the pH
electrode, it is recommended to clean it at least once a
month. Immerse the tip of the electrode in HI 7061
cleaning solution for half an hour and then rinse it with
tap water.
The following cleaning procedure is recommended at least
once a month:
• Immerse the tip of the probe in HI 7061 cleaning
solution for half an hour.
• If a more thorough cleaning is required, brush the
metal pins with very fine sandpaper.
• After cleaning, rinse the probe with tap water.