Hall Research VS-2A User Manual

Page 11

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2-Port VGA Switch with Audio & Serial Control

1 = PC 1 Input
2 = PC 2 Input
F = Front Panel Lock
A = Auto Mode
M = Manual Mode
P = Priority Select
N = No Priority
B = Blank
U = Un-blank
S = Status Report
L = List Menu

ASCII S (or Hex 53)

Request the status report. The device will respond with:

Status Report
Input = 1 (or 2)
Mode = Auto (or Manual)
Priority = 1 (or 2 or None)
Blank = On (or Off)
Front Panel Un-Locked (or Locked)

This report displays the current selection of switched output,

mode, priority buttons and Front Panel Lock Status.

ASCII L (or Hex 4C)

Displays the menu. The device will respond with:

This menu lists all the ASCII commands to control the VS-2A
unit via a serial port.