Gryphon Pantheon User Manual
Page 6

individuals promoting their
own specific agendas.
The end result was drive units
with extremely low Q, high
power handling, no dynamic
compression and a linear pis-
tonic range that pushed back
the limits of driver design.
In order to live up to the
uncompromising design goal
of perfect phase all the time at
all frequencies, the enclosure
incorporated a concave cur-
ved front to form a direct ang-
led, time-aligned system with
identical distance from the lis-
tener to the acoustic center of
each driver.
The finished loudspeakers can
only be described as an open
window, utterly transparent to
the original recorded event
with equally remarkable dyna-
mic headroom that re-creates
the true power and full weight
of live music, both in details
such as a drum rimshot and in
the effortless expansion of an
orchestral crescendo in a
large-scale symphonic piece.
Gone were the sluggishness
and "whitewashed" uniformity
typical of loudspeakers with
complex crossovers where
60% of the components are
dedicated to the thankless
task of compensating for the
basic imperfections of inferior
drivers. In such speakers, the
crossover becomes a virtual
"black hole," sucking up ener-
gy instead of conveying it to
the drivers. The result is a
neat and tidy musical presen-
tation with everything appa-
rently in its place and a liste-
ning experience that quickly
becomes tedious and uninspi-
By the millennium, Gryphon
had become firmly established
as a major international player
with a range of amplification
components and CD players
widely regard as among the
very best in the esoteric world
of High End audio. Gryphon
innovations included the worl-
d's first single-chassis CD pla-
yer with onboard upsampling
and critical system enhance-
ments such as the acclaimed
Exorcist, the world's first sys-
tem demagnetizer, as well as
a range of cables and acces-