Gryphon Pantheon User Manual
Page 4

The Gryphon Pantheon
loudspeaker system
Pantheon – Fabled island with advanced
technologies given by the sea god
Poseidon to his mortal wife
Welcome to our world
Words by Flemming E. Rasmussen, CEO and
Founder of Gryphon Audio Designs
Nearly two decades have pas-
sed since the first Gryphon
saw the light of day. It wasn't
a case of planned parenthood,
more an inevitable love child -
the fruit of a long-standing
love affair with music and
Gryphon embarked on a long
journey back then, made long
not by detours, but simply
because our destination is so
far away. I have always belie-
ved that we experience music
with our hearts as much as
with our ears. For me, the ulti-
mate test is very simple - the
music must reach out and
touch the heart. Looking back
over those twenty years, I
must confess that Gryphon
has always developed the
audio products that I perso-
nally needed and wanted.
Nothing was ever built to
meet a demand defined by
market research. Some might
find that arrogant and per-
haps it is, but I prefer to see it
as an honest approach, while
accepting that not everyone
shares my point of view.
Fortunately, the passing years
have proven that there is a
sufficiently large group of like-
minded individuals around the
world who have come toget-
her in this common quest.
I would like to take this oppor-
tunity to personally thank all
of you who have shared this
journey with me.
Down through the years,
Gryphon has expanded from a
single Head Amplifier to
encompass the full audio
spectrum with the definitive
music playback system. This
didn't happen because we can
do everything ourselves, but
because we recognize quality
when we encounter it and
have the ability to assemble a
team of dedicated specialists
for each new project. The
Gryphon company - like its
products - is greater than the
sum of its parts.
There is certainly a family
resemblance across the
Gryphon range and by that we
mean more than mere tech-
nology. We like to think that
Gryphon is not perceived as
Class A amplifiers, upsampling
CD players or silver cables,
but more as a degree of quali-
ty, a sense of "rightness" that
brings it all home for you. And
you don't reach that place by
following your ears, only by
following your heart.
In responding to queries as to
why Gryphon took the major
step of expanding into the
field of loudspeaker design,
the temptation is to take the
easy way out with a flippant
reply like "Because it's there."
But the simple fact is that,
having earned a global repu-
tation for unsurpassed excel-
lence in amplification, it was a
natural evolutionary move to
broaden our scope and turn
our attention to the other links
in the audio chain.
Beginning with source compo-
Flemming E. Rasmussen