Gryphon Pendragon User Manual

Page 3

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This is the wellspring of inspiration and motivation that led to
the ultimate loudspeaker system, the Gryphon Pendragon, re-
affirming our commitment to being the best that we can be
with the definitive full-range system to be partnered with eq-
uipment and a room truly worthy of such a loudspeaker.

Pendragon is a name historically associated with the ancient
kings of the Britons, most famously, Arthur of Camelot. The fi-
gurative title Pendragon or Pen Draig means head or chief dra-
gon, symbolising the bearer’s uncontested leadership.

For the most ambitious reference loudspeaker system in the
history of Gryphon Audio Designs, there can be no more fit-
ting name.

Flemming E. Rasmussen
Ry, Denmark, March 2013

The Final Frontier
Having earned a global reputation for technological mastery
and unsurpassed excellence in audio amplification and CD
playback, it was a natural evolutionary move for Gryphon
Audio Designs to broaden its scope and apply the uncompro-
mising Gryphon philosophy to the final link in the chain. But
this decision was by no means made on the spur of the mo-

The Gryphon loudspeaker story begins with a chance encoun-
ter between Gryphon head honcho Flemming E. Rasmussen
and Danish loudspeaker legend Steen Duelund, a Danish mat-
hematician who dedicated his life to the advancement of
loudspeaker theory. Duelund was a man on a mission whose
many theories and discoveries continue to inspire professional
designers and DIY speaker builders long after his passing.

On a strictly informal basis, they began an in-depth explora-
tion that would take full advantage of Rasmussen’s extensive
experience in design and manufacturing to transform Due-
lund’s theories into real-world products with scant regard for
such minor details as pricing, parts availability, prevailing atti-
tudes and preconceived notions.

Imperfect Drivers
Duelund’s revolutionary theories on constant phase in crosso-
ver networks can be summed up in a single statement: “All
drivers must be in phase at all times at all frequencies.” Follo-
wing this theoretical “Eureka,” the hard part then became ma-
king that happen with a real loudspeaker in a real room. The
first step was to acknowledge that the greatest challenge fa-

Steen Duelund