Gryphon Pendragon User Manual

Page 15

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the old 4 column systems such as the Infinity IRS models that
was outstanding at its time. They were usually set up with very
little respect to the woofer towers that was just placed some-
where behind the panels and just supposed to provide some
oomph to the sound.

The Pendragon is a different generation of speakers and shi-
nes with its seamless integration between bass and the MT pa-
nels that was the weakness of the older generations of 4 tower
systems. So forget about the old school set-ups

1/3 2/3

Notes on sound reflections.
Behind speaker:
The farther away the system is from back wall, then less diffu-
sion ( if any ) is required.
Side walls
Diffusion should be used ( if any ) at sidewalls where first re-
flection will enter – in this example between 1/3 and 2/3
Behind listener
If distance is large little or perhaps moderate damping can be
applied. If it is closer diffusion can be applied, could be com-
bined with damping.

Speaker Toe-in ( se fig. 1 )
Note that the system is set up in a curve so all drivers are on
same line and pointing direct at the listener.
If the room is narrow it may be necessary to use the bass to-
wers on the outside of the MT panels to increase distance from
panels to sidewalls. In this case it is advisable that the AMT
super tweeters are kept on the outer side of the
midrange/tweeter panel.
In a short room, a set-up where the “focus” of the speakers is
slightly behind the speaker may be required.
Reducing toe-in – opening up – may increase soundstage size,
opening to much can reduce focus and often headroom.