The gryphon master tape collection, Design principles – Gryphon Colosseum Solo User Manual
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The Gryphon Master
Tape Collection
In the Gryphon listening rooms, we
are fortunate to possess a unique
library of more than 1,000 original
master tapes of recordings made
during the Golden Age of studio
engineering from 1956-1976.
Unlike conventional commercial
releases, our master tapes capture
the dynamic contrasts and subtle
inner harmonic structure of the
musical event, forcing us to work to
a higher standard in our efforts to
maintain the integrity of the original
musical performance.
Design Principles
With state of the art technical equip-
ment and some of the finest minds
in the audio engineering field at our
disposal, the Gryphon brand name
continues to define the highest
audiophile standards of subjective
and technical performance.
The dual mono configuration radi-
cally eliminates any possibility of
crosstalk or other interference
between channels and provides
infinite channel separation which
contributes to the ability to create
space, focus, depth and trans-
Because the electrical power com-
ing out of your wall fluctuates wildly
in terms of voltage and distortion,
Gryphon incorporates heavily regu-
lated multi-stage power supplies
that act as effective mains condi-
tioning filters. Displays and control
circuits are fed by a separate power
supply to isolate any digital noise
artifacts and effectively prevent
them from contaminating the signal
While the printed circuit boards
in more conventional audio prod-
ucts utilize conductor tracks a mere
35 micron thick, Gryphon employs
at least 70 micron traces of the
highest purity.
Beginning with our very first prod-
uct, “The Head Amp” all Gryphon
products have featured extremely
wide frequency bandwidth,
because the ability to reproduce
ultra-sonic frequencies with no diffi-
culty ensures linear phase across
the audible frequency range.
The implementation of circuits with
wideband frequency response is a
painstaking endeavor in which the
actual layout and ground pattern of
the PC boards are crucial to the
achievement of superior sonic per-
formance with no loss of inherent
Wideband frequency response
ensures the high slew rate essential
to the realistic handling of the ultra-
fast transients which routinely occur
in live music and is crucial in recre-