Introduction, The gryphon, The man – Gryphon Colosseum Solo User Manual
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Welcome to the global family of
proud owners of fine audio compo-
nents from Gryphon Audio Designs
of Denmark. Your new Gryphon unit
has been painstakingly designed to
re-create the sound of live music
taking place in its original recorded
space. Every Gryphon product is
designed to cater to the needs of
the most discerning music enthusi-
ast with sumptuous styling and
superb user-friendliness which ele-
vate it above the mundane world of
conventional audio components.
As audiophiles, the members of the
Gryphon design team are constant-
ly reminded to keep their priorities
straight. We are not involved in “hi-
fi” for its own sake, but strictly as a
means to an end, in the service of
our life-long love of the live music
experience in all its sonic and emo-
tional glory.
Our higher goal is to bring to the lis-
tener a “You-Are-There” sensation.
In taking up this challenge, the
Gryphon designers go back to
basics to analyze the essential
nature of the live music experience.
For us, an awareness of soundstag-
ing, ambience and concert hall
dimensions are necessary compo-
nents. Dynamics and an unambigu-
ous sense of instrument location
even in the loudest passages are
also high priorities. To achieve
these objectives, Gryphon products
offer exceptional speed and agility
along with seamless coherence in
the time domain.
Since 1985, Gryphon Audio
Designs has quietly gone about the
business of creating fine home
audio components. We know that
you will appreciate and enjoy the
benefits of our accumulated experi-
ence and share our abiding passion
for music.
The Gryphon
In Greek mythology: A fabled crea-
ture, half-lion and half-eagle, com-
bining the power of the “King of
Beasts” with the grace of the “King
of Birds”. The guardian of the
source of gold and protector of the
Dionysian cup of infinite wealth.
In the real world: An acclaimed
Danish audio engineering company
employing cutting edge technology
and common sense in the pursuit of
the purest musical experience. We
feel that the gryphon is an appropri-
ate symbol for our high sonic goals.
The Man
Gryphon Audio Designs is the
brainchild of Flemming E.
Rasmussen and the fulfillment of a
lifelong dream to allow the purest
essence of the live music experi-
ence to be recreated in the home