ENMET EX-6175 User Manual
Page 23

ENMET Corporation
11.2.16 E : 20 – Negative Zero Suppression
This option is used to allow the user to suppress small amounts of negative sensor zero drift. The setting can be set between 0 and 10% of the
sensor range as set by the FSD value.
Press MENU to open the menu system.
Using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons, select menu option: E:20
Press ENTER.
Using the INCREASE and DECREASE buttons, set the required zero suppression value.
Press ENTER to store the new value.
Note: Pressing the MENU button rather than the ENTER button exits without any change.
Press MENU to close the menu system.
11.2.? E : 21 – Toxic Sensor Bias
This option sets the bias voltage to match the sensor fitted.
Available options are:
no bias
250 mV bias
300 mV bias
The normal level is 0, no bias.
11.2.17 E : 27 – Hysteresis
This option sets the alarm hysteresis. The relays will chatter if this level is set to 100.
95% is the usual setting for pellistor sensors.
11.2.18 E : 28 – Firmware update
Do Not Enter this Menu
11.2.19 E : 29 – Relay 3
The unit is fitted with a relay that is operated in conjunction with a fault condition. The user can select if the relay is normally
Energized, ‘E’ or normally de-energized, ‘d’ when the unit is not in a fault condition.
From the menu system select menu option: E: 29 and press ENTER.
The display will show the following:
Normally energized, rising alarm
Normally de-energized, rising alarm
Normally energized, falling alarm
Normally de-energized, falling alarm
The mode of operation can be changed by pressing the UP button.
Press ENTER to accept the new relay mode of operation.
: Pressing MENU instead of ENTER leaves the unit without change.
Press MENU to return the instrument to its standard mode of operation.
11.2.20 E : 30 – Password
Use this menu option to enable / disable the password feature.
Place the
in the password menu as follows:
Press the MENU to open the menu system.
Using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons, select menu option: E:30
Press ENTER.
The display shows either On or OFF
Press the UP button to select the desired setting.
Press ENTER to accept the setting.
: Pressing MENU instead of ENTER leaves the unit without change.
Press MENU to return the instrument to its standard mode of operation.
Note: If the password is in operation then the user will be prompted with PASS when ever the menu key is pressed. Pressing the
MENU key again will result in the restricted user access, i.e. only the zero and span options will be available. Entering the
correct password will give access to the full menu facility.