Elenco Snap Circuits Water Clock ® User Manual
Water power, About your parts, Model scp-07

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Never connect Snap Circuits
to the electrical outlets in your
home in any way!
Always check your wiring before
turning on a circuit. Never leave a circuit
unattended while the batteries are installed.
Never connect additional batteries or any other
power sources to your circuits.
Water Power
Model SCP-07
Assembling the Liquid Energy Source:
clock (T2)
contains a small crystal. When a crystal
is struck by an electronic pulse, it vibrates. A
microelectronic circuit makes the pulse and measures
the vibration rate. The vibration rate is used as a time
standard, from which minutes, hours, and the date are
Clock (T2)
The red and black
are wires
used to connect
components. They
are used to transport
electricity and do not affect circuit
performance. Wires transport
electricity just like pipes are used to transport water. The
colorful plastic coating protects them and prevents
electricity from getting in or out.
About Your Parts:
liquid energy source (liquid holder and
: Cola-flavored soda is lightly acidic. The
acid is similar to the material used in some types of
batteries but not as strong. The acid in the cola reacts
with the copper and zinc electrodes to make electricity,
just like a battery. As some of the acid in the soda is
used up, the electricity produced drops.
Each of the compartments in the liquid energy source
produces about 0.7V, though the current is very low.
When the four compartments are connected in a series,
their voltages add together to make about 2.8V total.
Each compartment is like a cell of a battery.
red LED (D1)
is a light emitting diode, and may be
thought of as a special one-way light bulb. In the
“forward” direction, (indicated by the “arrow” in the
symbol) electricity flows if the voltage exceeds a turn-on
threshold (about 1.5V); brightness then increases.
Once turned on, LEDs produce light much more
efficiently than incandescent light bulbs. LED’s block
electricity in the “reverse” direction.
Connect the 3 electrode parts together with screws and
nuts as shown. Tighten by hand, a screwdriver is not
470mF capacitor (C5)
can store electrical pressure
(voltage) for periods of time. Capacitors are used for
filtering and delay circuits.
Capacitor (C5)
LED (D1)