Elenco Snap Circuits Musical Recorder ® User Manual

Musical recorder, Pprroojjeecctt ##22 eraser, Pprroojjeecctt ##33 playing music

background image

The Snap Circuits Kit uses electronic blocks that snap onto a clear plastic base grid to build
different circuits. These blocks have different colors and numbers on them so that you can
easily identify them. Build the circuit shown by placing all the parts with a black

1 next to them

on the clear plastic base grid first. Then, assemble parts marked with a

2, and finally parts

marked with a

3. Install three (3) “AA” batteries (not included) into the battery holder (B3).

Turn on the slide switch (S1), you hear a beep signaling that you may begin recording. Talk
into the microphone (X1) up to 8 seconds, and then turn off the switch (it also beeps after the
8 seconds expire).

Press the press switch (S2) for playback. It plays the recording you made followed by one of
three songs. If you press the press switch before the song is over, the music will stop. You may
press the press switch several times to play all three songs.

You can erase the recording you made by removing the
microphone (X1) from project #1. Turn on the slide switch
(S1), you hear a beep signaling that the IC begins recording,
then turn it off. The previous recording is now erased. Press
the press switch (S2) for playback and there should be no
recording before the music starts.

If you have any problems, contact Elenco


Copyright © 2005 Elenco


Electronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. • 150 Carpenter Ave. • Wheeling, IL 60090

(800) 533-2441 Fax: (847) 520-0085 • e-mail: [email protected] • Web site: or


Prroojjeecctt ##11


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Prroojjeecctt ##22


Modify the circuit shown by removing the microphone (X1)
and the slide switch (S1). Press the press switch (S2) to
start the first song. When the music stops, press the press
switch again to hear the second song. When the second
song stops, press the press switch again to hear the third
song. If you press the press switch before the song is over
the music will stop.


Prroojjeecctt ##33

Playing Music

Modify the circuit in project #3 by replacing the 3-snap
across points A & B with the microphone (X1). Press the
press switch (S2) for playback and the music is not as loud.


Prroojjeecctt ##44

Loudness Control



Never connect Snap Circuits
to the electrical outlets in your
home in any way!


Always check your wiring before

turning on a circuit. Never leave a circuit
unattended while the batteries are installed.
Never connect additional batteries or any other
power sources to your circuits.

Musical Recorder

Model SCP-01
