Tepideem period – Elenco Strandbeest User Manual

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Pre-Gluton Period (pre 1990)

Gluton period (1990-91)

Chorda Period (1991-93)

Calidum period (1993-1994)

Lignatum period (1997-2001)

Vaporum period (2001-2006)

Cerebrum period (2006-current)

Tepideem period (1994-1997)

Tepideem period


(reduced heat period)

Reproduced from DNA of plastic pipes

Tepideem period means reduced heat time. Jansen considers this period as the

reproduction period. Here, reproduction was not through mating and

fertilization. It has done by copying the DNA and multiplying the same beests.

Creatures sharing the same plastic parts (DNA) were produced. Animaris

geneticus indicates the concept. Beests in a group started showing up on the


Not ambiguous genetic data but real gene is transferred to the next
generations. Naturally, beests' DNAs are not made of amino acids.
Their gene is plastic pipes.

(top left)

Animaris rigide properans

It has a propeller. It is capable to walk fast at beach. 14.6x2.5x2m

(top right)

Animaris propagare 0.7x1x1m

Animaris geneticus ondula

Each leg was controlled by a special angled crank so that each leg moves slightly differently.

The legs move like a wave in the ocean. 1.7x8.5x2

A group of animaris genetics. There are total of 357 exchangeable DNA (pipe)