Dynavector PHA200 phono head amplifier User Manual

Dynavector pha-200, Instruction manual

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The Dynavector PHA-200 phono head amplifier is a unique current amplifier that offers the best performance for most
moving coil cartridges. The PHA-200 is a complete redesign of our PHA-100, using new circuitry and the most advanced,
highest quality components.

The most unusual feature of the PHA-200 is its amplification
method. Conventional phono stages or step-up transformers
are designed to accurately amplify the very low output
voltage of moving coil cartridges. In contrast, the PHA-200
extracts the maximum current signal from the cartridge, and
then this current is converted into a voltage high enough to
drive a conventional line level pre-amplifier.

In the PHA-200 the coil of the cartridge is short circuited or
terminated by zero ohms, consequently the current from the coil is much larger than with conventional voltage amplification.

All cartridges have magnetic distortion caused by nonlinear characteristics with in the magnetic materials of the cartridge
components. These distortions have an adverse affect on the sound quality.

By using current amplification and extracting the current signal, the magnetic distortion of the cartridge is significantly
reduced. In other words the linearity across the reproducible frequency range for the cartridge is improved. As a result
PHA-200 is able to amplify the original cutting signal on records as precisely as possible.

The sonic advantages of the PHA-200 compared to conventional phono stages or step-up transformers is immediately
apparent. The neutral soundstage, rich mid-bass and smooth highs are most impressive. The overall sound quality offers
improved transparency and resolution.


A unique patented current maximizing circuit designed to provide maximum fidelity from vinyl LP's.


3 position input resistance selector to suit most MC cartridges.


Left and right channels are completely separated but have identical signal paths. This is achieved by

using mono-symmetric circuit design. The input selector switch is an extremely low contact resistance
type rated for minute currents. The switch has separate sections for each channel.


High-grade components are used. All components are carefully selected following repeated listening



Extra low noise stabilized power supply with high-grade, parallel connected, electrolytic capacitors in

the smoothing circuit.


An R-Core transformer that offers improved voltage regulation and reduced flux leakage is used.

The transformer has magnetic and electrostatic shields.

Dynavector PHA-200

Instruction Manual