Quick start – Dr. Brown's Double Electric Breast Pump User Manual
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This section serves as a quick-start reference for Dr. Brown’s moms that are
experienced with the Dr. Brown’s
Breast Pump.
It is not a replacement for the
complete instructions provided in this Instruction Booklet. Please be sure to read these
thoroughly before expressing for the fi rst time.
Before your fi rst use and a er all other uses, it is important to wash your Breast Pump.
Be sure to follow the complete directions in the Cleaning section of this
Instruction Booklet.
A er cleaning, follow these steps to assemble your Collection Units:
If you are a mom who is switching from
a traditional breast pump, you may experience a short transition period while your breasts
adjust to the compression technology of the Dr. Brown’s
Double Electric Breast Pump.
This transition period is typically a ma er of a few days, and you will still achieve milk fl ow.
But if your milk volume seems slower at fi rst, stick with it and you will see your milk volume
return. This will not impact moms who are using an electric pump for the fi rst time.
Then secure the Collection Bo le to the
Connector. Tightening the Collection Bo le
fi rmly will seal the Bo le Seal, but do not
over tighten.
To install the Breastcup, insert into the
Connector and then push at the edges
to secure the Breastcup to the Connector.
Begin by placing the Bo le Seal into
the bo om of the Connector.
Make sure the Breastcup is sealed all
around. This is important for the pump
to function properly.
Note: Run your fi ngers and thumbs around
the edge to make sure the Breastcup
is affi
xed all around.
Quick Start