Dr. Brown's Double Electric Breast Pump User Manual

Page 13

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Turn the Motor Unit on by pushing the Power Bu on.

Apply the Collection Units to your breasts,
one at a time. Position the Breastcups, nipple
centered, fi rm enough to ensure a seal with
no air leaks.

Dial Se ings: The speed dial controls how fast the pump
cycles. The fl ow dial controls the compression and vacuum
level at the Breastcups.

Every mom is diff erent and therefore the right combination
of speed and fl ow se ings will be an individual choice based
on comfort and volume of milk fl ow. However, the following
is a general guideline to get you started.

Start at C

to achieve milk letdown. Once milk is fl owing,

reduce the speed knob and change the fl ow se ing to B or
A. Experiment with the knob se ings. A is the strongest
se ing, but maximum milk fl ow occurs at diff erent se ings
for diff erent moms.

You may hear an airy, wispy noise. This comes from the
Valve and is completely normal.

Note: The Dr. Brown’s® Breast Pump is designed to
automatically shut off a er


Then position the Breastcup of the second
Collection Unit.

Note: Be sure to always hold your Collection
Units level when expressing. This ensures that
your Breast Pump performs as intended.





Once you have achieved Let-Down, adjust the Flow and Speed dials as

necessary until they are comfortable for you. Let-Down is the biological trigger

to release breastmilk and it’s the fi rst step for a successful pumping session.
