Delkron Space-N-Time Tool Master Kit User Manual
Page 4

crankcase can be modified by machining the top and bottom edges of the window to
bring the opening and closing events into specification … care must be taken to ensure
that too much material is not removed during this process. Another method (preferred) of
modifying the opening and closing events of the breather gear is to modify the breather
gear its self. This can be done by indexing the breather gear clockwise or counter
clockwise until the events are with in specification. Once the events are within the
specified range of degrees adjust the timing mark on the breather gear to indicate its new
timing location. Also, there are after market breather gears that are available that allow
for the gear to be indexed to achieve the opening and closing events that are needed.
Camshaft timing is a very important aspect of building a high performance engine.
This particular issue is not as important in a “street” application, but it does not hurt to
have it right. With varying tolerances in machining of the flywheel components,
camshafts, and valve train components it can be somewhat difficult to achieve accurately
timed valve events.
Accurate valve timing events can be achieved using the DELKRO Space-N-Time
Different camshaft manufacturers use different camshaft specifications, but most use
either .020” or .053” of camshaft lift. If the camshaft that you are using does not specify a
particular starting lift then it is recommended that .053” of camshaft lift be the starting
point … if the camshaft that you are using does specify a particular starting lift then be
sure to use that measurement.