ADLINK NuPRO-E340 User Manual

Page 72

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BIOS Setup

Terminal Type

This option is used to select either VT100/VT-UTF8 or ANSI
terminal type. Options: VT100, VT100+, VT-UTF8, ANSI.

Bits per second

Select the bits per second you want the serial port to use for
console redirection. The options are 115200, 57600, 38400,
19200, 9600.

Data Bits

Select the data bits you want the serial port to use for console
redirection. Set this value to 7 and 8.


Set this option to select Parity for console redirection. The set-
tings for this value are None, Even, Odd, Mark and Space.

Stop Bits

Stop bits indicate the end of a serial data packet. (A start bit
indicates the beginning). The standard setting is 1 stop bit.
Communication with slow devices may require more than 1
stop bit. Set this value to 1 and 2.

Flow Control

Set this option to select Flow Control for console redirection.
The settings for this value are None, Hardware RTS/CTS.

Record Mode

With this mode enabled only text will be sent., allowing capture
of Terminal data. Set this value to Enabled or Disabled.

Resolution 100x31

Enable or disable extended terminal resolution. Set this value
to Enabled or Disabled.

Legacy OS Redirection Resolution

On a legacy OS, the number of Rows and Columns supported
by redirection. Set this value to 80x24 and 80x25.