1 data lines, 2 handshake lines, 3 system management lines – ADLINK LPCI-3488A User Manual
Page 31: Data lines handshake lines system management lines
Operation Theory
3.1.1 Data Lines
DIO1 to DIO8 carry both data and command messages. All com-
mands and most data use 7-bit ASCII codes, the 8th bit, DIO8, is
either unused or used as a parity check.
3.1.2 Handshake Lines
Three handshake lines control the transfer of data/messages
between devices.
DAV (Data Valid): Indicates the condition (availability and
validity) of information on the DIO signal lines
NRFD (Not Ready For Data): Indicates the condition of
readiness of the device(s) to accept data
NDAC (Not Data Accepted): Indicates the condition of
acceptance of the data by the device
3.1.3 System management lines
Five system management lines manage the flow of control and
data bytes across the interface.
EOI (End or Identify): Used (by a talker) to indicate the end
of a multi-byte transfer sequence or used in conjunction with
ATN (by a controller) to execute a polling sequence
IFC (Interface Clear): Used (by a controller) to place the
interface system, portions of which are contained in all inter-
connected devices, in a known quiescent state
SRQ (Service Request): Used by a device to indicate the
need for attention and to request an interruption of the cur-
rent sequence of events
ATN (Attention): Used (by a controller) to specify how data
on the DIO signal lines are to be interpreted and which
devices must respond to the data
REN (Remote Enable): Used (by a controller) in conjunction
with other messages to enable or disable one or more local
controls that have corresponding remote controls.