ADLINK cPCI-7300 User Manual
Page 69
C/C++ Libraries
• 61
int _7300_DI_DMA_Stop (int card_number)
@ Argument
card_number: The card number of the PCI-7300A card.
@ Return Code
5.17 _7300_GetOverrunStatus
@ Description
When you use _7300_DI_DMA_Start to input data, the input data is stored
in the FIFO of PCI controller. The data then transfer to memory through
PCI-bus if PCI-bus is available. If the FIFO is full and next data is written to the
FIFO, overrun situation occurs. Using this function to check overrun status.
@ Syntax
Visual C/C++ (Windows 95)
int W_7300_GetOverrunStatus (int card_number, int *overrun)
Visual Basic (Windows 95)
int W_7300_GetOverrunStatus (ByVal card_number As Long, overrun
As Long) As Long
C/C++ (DOS)
int _7300_GetOverrunStatus (int card_number, int *overrun)
@ Argument
card_number: The card number of the PCI-7300A card.
0: overrun sitation did not occur.
1: overrun situation occurred.
@ Return Code
5.18 _7300_DO_DMA_Start
@ Description
The function will perform digital output N times with DMA data transfer. It will
takes place in the background which will not b e stop until the Nth conversion
has been completed or your program execute _7300_DO_DMA_Abort
function to stop the process. After executing this function, it is necessary to
check the status of the operation by using the function
@ Syntax
Visual C/C++ (Windows 95)