Vee™ interface for adlink daq cards – ADLINK LPCI-7250 User Manual
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VEE™ Interface for ADLINK DAQ Cards
Agilent VEE™ is a popular visual programming environment for
data acquisition that includes data analysis and control. VEE pro-
vides a visual programming interface that allows users to create
programs by connecting objects such as acquisition routines, but-
tons and displays in a flow diagram. For users that are familiar
with Agilent VEE, ADLINK has released the PCIS-VEE and D2K-
VEE for seamless integration of the following NuDAQ data acqui-
sition cards to the VEE environment:
VEE for ADLINK NuDAQ Series DAQ cards
6208, 6308, 7200, 7230, 7233, 7234, 7250, 7252, 7248, 7249,
7296, 7300, 7396, 7432, 7433, 7434, 9111, 9112, 9113, 9114,
9118, 9812
VEE for DAQ-2000 Series DAQ cards
2010, 2005, 2006, 2204, 2205, 2206, 2501, 2502
The ADLINK PCIS-VEE and D2K-VEE drivers are designed and
verified for Agilent VEE 4.5 environment.