Acrosser AR-ES6050FLD User Manual
Page 39

Revision: 1.0
4.5.2 GPIO Programming
This section describes the usage of GPIOs. AR-B6050 integrated eight bits, 5V TTL
level, bidirectional, and software programmable GPIOs for user’s application. They are all
capable of 5 mA source current for output and 8 mA sink current for input individually. The
electrical characteristics of GPIOs as following table:
1 GPO0
3 GPO7 4 GPI7
5 GPO2 6 GPI6
7 GPO3 8 GPI5
9 GND 10 GPI4
To quickly understand the GPIO programming under Linux, we also provide a sample
application source code in product CD, naming gpio.c. It can be used to control GPIO pin
described above and also LED.
The GPIO sample code of C language as below:
// Rev Date
Name Description
// 1.0
03/17/10 Willy
GPIO10~GPIO17 Test utility for W83627EHF.
// Turbo C++ Version 3.0 Copyright(c) 1990, 1992 by Borland International,Inc.
// Language include files
// Normal procedure
void Show_Help();