3 exporting playback footage, Dropbox, Media server/ cloud footage storage – 3xLOGIC 3xCLOUD Web Client User Manual
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8.3 Exporting Playback Footage
To export marked footage or entire playback clips, select the Export button (
)from the bottom of the Playback window. Two
Export options(DropBox, Media Server)will load in the Save to Cloud window(pictured below-right). Due to the nature of browser-
based services, both have limitations.
The Dropbox option requires that a DropBox be installed
on the current system's desktop. Please visit https://www.-
dropbox.com/ for more info regarding Dropbox.
The DropBox feature will only be available for footage
which is 15 minutes or less in duration. This is due to size
restrictions on standard DropBox accounts. This option
will not be visible on any Playback clips which are 15 min-
utes or longer.
Please note that uploading footage to Drop-
Box is time intensive(several hours for some appli-
cations) and varies depending on network speeds
and available Server bandwidth. Please allow a suf-
ficient time for the export to complete. You will
be notified when the footage export is complete
by the alert icon (
)in the top left-hand
corner of the 3xCLOUD interface, next to the
"3xCLOUD by 3xLOGIC" logo.
Media Server/ Cloud Footage Storage
This option is a pay service and is only available
upon request. Please contact your 3xLOGIC rep-
resentative to request this feature.
The Media Server/ Cloud Footage Storage option can be used for
larger video files. Also, stored footage can be accessed directly
via the 3xCLOUD interface.
Enter a Video Name, Resolution, FPS and Video Quality for the
export and click Save to begin the Export process.
Please note that uploading footage to the Cloud can
be time intensive and varies depending on network speeds
and available Server bandwidth. Please allow sufficient
time for the export to complete. You will be notified
when the footage export is complete by the alert icon (
)in the top left-hand corner of the 3xCLOUD inter-
face, next to the "3xCLOUD by 3xLOGIC" logo.
Upon completion, footage stored in the Cloud Media Server can be quickly accessed from the 3xCLOUD sidebar:
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