5 osd (on-screen display) tab, Text options, Show column – 3xLOGIC 3xCLOUD Web Client User Manual

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5.5 OSD (On-Screen Display) Tab

Click the OSD button on the Settings menu to open the OSD tab(pictured below.)

The OSD Configurations window allows you to configure the look of your POS (Point-of-Sale) On-Screen Display.

Text Options

Dwell Time

The amount of time a POS entry will remain on-screen

Number of Lines

Number of OSD entry lines (if set to 8, the max number of POS entries displayed at once will be 8.)

Item Column Width

Adjust the width of the OSD columns.

Font Size

Adjust the OSD font size.

Horizontal Offset

Adjust the horizontal position of the OSD.

Vertical Offset

Adjust the vertical position of the OSD.

Show Column Headers

Toggle OSD column headers on/off.

Header Font Color

Choose the color of the OSD Column header font.

Entry Font Color

Choose the color of the OSD POS entry font.

Show Column

Check off a box to include that column in the OSD.

Select Default to reset the current settings to the Default configuration.

Click Update to save OSD settings changes. Click reset to return the OSD settings to the last saved default settings.




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