Troubleshooting guide 20 – Drolet ECO-45 User Manual

Page 20

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Possible Causes: Possible

Remedies: (Unplug stove first when possible)


The hopper is out of pellets.

Refill the hopper.


The air damper is too far open for a low feed setting.

If burning on the low setting, you may need to close the damper all
the way turn the air supply knob toward the minimum setting.


The burn pot holes are blocked.

Remove the burn pot and clean it thoroughly.


The air inlet, the interior chambers, or exhaust system has a
partial blockage.

Follow all cleaning procedures in the maintenance section of the
owner’s manual.


The auger motor has failed.

Remove the auger motor from the auger shaft and try to run the
motor separately by pressing the fuel feed button on the control
board. If the motor turns, the shaft is jammed on something. If the
motor does not turn, the motor is bad or a connection with the
control board is faulty. To remove the auger motor, take off the top
and bottom panels at the back of the stove’s body. Loosen the two
screws holding the motor to the auger shaft. Then, remove the plate
located on the stove body, at the bottom of the gear motor, to allow
the motor to slide out of the stove body.


The auger shaft is jammed.

Remove that auger shaft from the auger housing. Start by emptying
the hopper. Take off the top and bottom panels at the back of the
stove’s body. Then, remove the auger motor by removing the
screws holding the motor to the auger shaft. Remove the plate
located on the stove body, at the bottom of the gear motor, to allow
the motor to slide out of the stove body. Once, the motor is out,
remove the four screws on the steel plate holding the auger shaft to
the auger housing. Then, rotate the bottom end of the auger shaft
down towards you until you can pull the shaft down out of the stove.
After you have removed the shaft, inspect it for bent flights, burrs, or
broken welds. Remove any foreign material that might have caused
the jam. Also, check the auger housing for signs of damage such as
burrs, rough spots, or grooves cut into the metal that could have
caused a jam. Clean the auger housing thoroughly to remove all
pellet dust.


The thermistor heat sensor has malfunctioned.

The thermistor is a heat sensor located on the exhaust housing. Its
function is to tell the control board that the unit has ignited properly
by measuring the heat in the exhaust. The pellet stove will not start
feeding pellets at the desired heat setting until it has received a
signal from the thermistor heat sensor. If the thermistor heat sensor
is bad, the unit will stop after the ignition cycle. If this situation
occurs, call your dealer or technician.