Locating the unit, Flue connections – Bryant 234B User Manual

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Consult local building codes or ordinances that may


1. The boiler should be installed on a level founda­

tion. Metal shims may be used to level if required.
Locate boiler near gas vent or chimney.

2. Combustible Floors - When the boiler is installed

on a combustible floor it is necessary to ¡nsulote

the floor» Bryqnt supplies, as optional equipment, □
combustible floor installation kit. This kit contains

a rectangular plate of galvanized steel with □

matching piece of insulating material. Fasten the

insulation end steel plate to the combustible floor

and place the boiler on fop of the steel plate.

3. Maintain at least 6" from combustible material
on ail sides.



enough room for

service access. Consult

local approval agency; some require □ minimum of

24" for service access.

5. When unit is installed in a small room, or a build­

ing of roiatiyely air-tight'construction, provide air

for combustion and ventilat'iou. This air must be
supplied through two openings of equal area; one

located above the draft diverter relief opening and

the other near the floor. The total free area of each

opening should be equal to 1 square inch for each

1,000 BTU/Hr. of boiler input. There should be a

minimum of 100 square inches for each opening. If
ait openings are directly to outdoors, the minimum

free area should be 1 square .inch per 2,000 BTU per

hour or input rating, or in accordance with Z21.30-

1959 or latest edition of ^'American Standards .for

Inst^Uatiqii of Gas Appliances and Gas Pfpipg/'

6- Advise owner of necessity for keeping air pas­
sages to the boiler area free of obstructions. This
clearance is necessaiy so that combustion air can
enter freely into the combustion chamber. It is also
necessary to provide adequate ventilating air.


Make sure draft hood furnished with boiler is instal­

led without modifications.

The following is standard

practice for installing the flue pipe. In addition,

consult local codes and gas company requirements.

1. Flue pipe must be of the same si^re as the outlet

collar on the draft hood.

2. Flue pipe must slope upward from boiler to chim.- '

ney. Minimum slope is 1/4 inch upward per linear*

foot of flue pipe,

3. Run pipe as directly as possible with a minimum
number of turns.

4. Do not connect into chimney serving an open fire­


5. End of flue pipe must be flush with inner face of

chimney liner.

6. Rigidly support pipe with hangers and straps.

7. Chimneys should extend at least two feet above
any object within a radius of 15 feet.

8. All flue pipe extended through the roof should be
equipped with a hood.

9. The boiler installed with either a galvan­

ized Type C vent or a listed . Type B yent, at the
option of the installer. Where a Type C flue or vent
connector is used, it shall have a clearance of 6"

between its surface and any combustible material.

If a Type B flue or vent connector is used, clear­

ance from its surface to any combustible material
shall be in accordance with its listing. Consult

local codes to insure correctness.

10. Where two or more appliances Vent into a com­

mon flue, the area of the common flue should at
least equal the area of the largest flue or yent con­

nector plus 50% of the areas of the additional flues

or vent connectors.


Comply with applicable codes and regulations.

It is good practice to run a separate gas line direct­
ly to the gas meter for supplying central heating

boilers. This line should be at least as large as the

-manual "gas shut-off-supplied.. If . the calculated pres^

sure drop exceeds 0.3 inches water, the line should
be run at least one size larger than the usual gas
shut-off. In no case should the drop exceed 0.3

inches water.

The pipe should be. supported with adequate straps

or pipe hangers. Provide a drip leg at the bottom of
the supply riser. Drip leg may extend down to floor
to help support the weight of the gas. supply line.

Install a ground joint union between the riser or

drip leg and the boiler controls. .

Joint compound (pipe dope) which is resistani to the

action of liquefied petroleum gases should be ap-

