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Stan dard Fea tures of the Smart Re mote Starter III



AutoStart Temperature Mode

— You will never return to your car to find a

busted radiator or frozen oil in the crankcase. If you wish, you may set your
Smart Remote Starter III to AutoStart the engine if the engine temperature drops
below 15°F (–9°C). If you want to avoid any unwelcome surprise caused by cold
weather, you can set AutoStart to monitor both the engine temperature and the
voltage level just by pressing a button on your remote control.


Fault-Proof Starter Interrupt

— When you remotely lock the doors, the Smart

Remote Starter III engages its starter interrupt circuit that prevents a thief from
starting the engine.



— Your Smart Remote Starter III is so smart, it will, if you

wish, automatically (”passively”) engage the starter interrupt and even lock the
doors if you forget to lock them with the remote control.


Smart Remote Trunk Release Capability

— It’s the perfect feature when

carrying an armload of groceries. To ensure against accidental activation, the
trunk will remotely open only if the doors are unlocked and the vehicle is not
being driven (may require optional parts).


Remote Controlled Headlight Activation Capability

— To light your way to

and from the vehicle, one press of a button on your Smart Remote Starter III
remote control will turn on your vehicle’s headlights for any duration of your
choice between one second and two minutes (requires an optional relay).


Remote Control Code Learning

— With just a few flicks of a switch any time

or place, you may add up to four off-the-shelf Clifford remote controls to the
system. Just as easily, the code of a lost or stolen remote control can be deleted
so that the missing remote can never be used to control your system.


UltraSecure Coded Program Mode

— Assures that no unauthorized person can

secretly add their own remote control, since the system’s programming mode can
be accessed only after you enter a personal code that you select.


Interfaces with Factory Theft Deterrent Devices

— If your vehicle has a

factory-installed theft deterrent device, the Smart Remote Starter III can make it
a full-fledged remote controlled car alarm.


Automatic Transmission Required

— The Smart Remote Starter III is intended

exclusively for vehicles with an automatic transmission.