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Diesel compatibility
If your vehicle has a diesel engine, your Smart Remote Starter III will activate the
engine’s glowplugs for 20 seconds before actually starting the engine.
To drive the vehicle
1. Unlock the doors by pressing button 1 on the remote control. The parking lights
will blink once and the interior lights will turn on.
2. Enter the vehicle and close the door, but do not press the brake pedal nor move
the transmission out of park.
3. Insert your key and turn the ignition switch to its “ON” position (don’t worry if
you turn the switch all the way to the “START” position; the system’s
StarterGuard feature will prevent you from accidentally grinding the starter
motor while the engine is running under the Smart Remote Starter III’s control).
4. Press the brake pedal. The interior lights will turn off. The system is now
disengaged and your vehicle will operate as usual.
NOTE: As an anti- theft meas ure, if some one presses the brake pedal or moves
the trans mis sion out of park be fore turn ing the ig ni tion switch to the “ON” po si -
tion, the Smart Re mote Starter III will im me di ately shut down the en gine.
This is a great feature when you need to make a stop at a convenience store or to
make a quick delivery. Rather than shutting down the engine and then restarting it a
few moments later, the ShortStop feature allows you to remove your car keys from
the ignition switch without shutting down the engine. You may then exit and
remotely lock the doors while the engine continues to idle. To use the ShortStop
feature, simply perform the following steps:
1. Park the vehicle being sure to place the transmission in its park position and set
the hand brake.
2. Make sure you are not touching the brake pedal, then press button 2 on the
remote control.
3. You may now turn the ignition off and remove your keys without shutting down
the engine.
4. Exit the vehicle and lock the doors with button 1 on the remote control. The
engine will continue to idle under the control of your Smart Remote Starter III
for up to 30 minutes.
5. When you have completed your errand, just use the normal procedure noted in
the To drive the vehicle section on page 8.