Riddling – Charnwood SLX20 User Manual

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To make ash removal easier there is a special

available. This may be purchased from you

supplier or, in case of difficulty, from ourselves.


ash carrier


Riddling twice a day is usually sufficient.

The fire should be riddled with the doors shut. Place the

tool on the knob and rotate between the horizontal and the
45° position several times as shown in Fig. 2.

Caution: when riddling the grate using solid fuel do not go
beyond the 45° position as this can cause the grate to jam.

If jamming does occur then the fire should be allowed to
burn for approximately half an hour before riddling the

grate again as described above.

Too much riddling can result in emptying unburnt fuel into

the ashpan and should therefore be avoided Clinker should
regularly be removed from the firebed.

After riddling, the grate should be put back into the solid
fuel or wood position as required (the tool should be

horizontal for solid fuel or vertical for wood).

Keep the firebox well filled (the fuel may be sloped up from
the front fire bars), but not to allow the fuel to spill over the

top of the front fire bars. Take care, especially when

burning wood, that the fuel does not project over the front
fire bars or damage to the glass may be caused when the

doors are closed.

Empty the ashpan, if necessary, and then riddle the fire if

you are burning solid fuel. If the fire is very low then it may
be necessary to add a little fuel and turn the thermostat

control up to maximum for a brief period until the fire is
burning brightly before filling with fuel. When burning
wood use large logs overnight as they will burn more slowly

than small ones.

Some experimentation may be necessary to find the setting

most suitable for the particular fuel used and the draw on

the chimney, but generally the thermostat should be turned

down to the minimum setting.

For overnight burning the fire doors must be closed.

To revive the fire, empty the ashpan if necessary, riddle
(when burning solid fuel) and turn the thermostat control

to maximum. When the fire is burning well load more fuel
as necessary and turn the control knob to the desired


When burning wood do not riddle but simply set the air

controls to maximum until the fire picks up and then set
them at the required setting and refuel as necessary.

It is important that the throat plate and all the appliance

flueways are kept clean. When burning smokeless fuels they
should be cleaned at least monthly. When burning other

fuels they should be cleaned once a week, and more
frequently if found necessary.

The throat plate and flue ways may be cleaned with a low
fire still burning. Use the scraper tool to scrape any sooty

deposits off the front of the plate until they drop into the

More soot will be deposited on the throat plate and in the
flueways if the appliance is run at low levels for long periods.
If this is the case then more frequent cleaning will be


When burning housecoal keep the airwash control at least

sightly open all the time (refer to Fig. 1.)

When loading the appliance take care not to smother the

fire, instead fill the firebox in two stages waiting for the
flames to appear above the fire.

After a period of slumbering always turn the air control up
to maximum and wait until flames appear above the fuel

bed before opening the doors.

Burning coal will produce more soot deposits than other

fuels, especially if the fire is run at low levels for a long

periods. It is therefore vital to clean the throat plate

regularly, weekly cleaning is recommended.

The appliance is finished in vitreous enamel. To clean the
surfaces simply wipe over with a dry cloth. Abrasive pads

and scouring cleaners must not be used as these will
damage the finish. Care should be taken not to knock the

enamel with hard objects as it will chip.

The glass in the doors is a special ceramic glass which is able

to withstand high temperatures. Before cleaning the glass
open the doors and allow them to cool. Clean the glass

using a damp cloth and then wiping over with a dry cloth.
Any stubborn deposits on the glass may be removed with a
proprietary stove glass cleaner or ceramic hob cleaner.

Some deposits on the glass may be burnt off simply by
running the fire at a fast rate for a few minutes. Do not use

abrasive cleaners or pads as these can scratch the surface
which will weaken the glass and cause premature failure.
Aerosol spray cleaners should not be used near the

appliance whilst it is under fire.









Cleaning the Glass

Page 5

SLX20 9.03