MTD 111-500 User Manual

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CAUTION: Do not at any time make any adjustment to
lawn mower without first stopping engine and discon­

necting spark plug wire.

CUTTING HEIGHT - An adjusting plate and thumb
lever at each front wheel position provides cutting

height adjustment. Each adjusting plate has five holes.

Height of cut will be changed when the thumb lever is
moved from one hole to another. Simply depress thumb
lever towards wheel and move wheel and lever assembly
to desired position. Cutting height will be raised as
lever is moved toward front and lowered as lever is
moved toward rear.

Adjustment maybe made to the rear wheels by removing

and moving wheel studs to desired position. Cutting

heights will be raised as wheel studs are moved to a
lower hole and lowered as wheel studs are moved to a
higher hole in the deck. All wheels must be positioned
in relative height of cut positions.

THROTTLE — If adjustment becomes necessary, the

control wire assembly can be reset as follows:


Loosen, but do not remove, screw securing throttle

control wire assembly at engine.

2. Move throttle control lever on handle to “CHOKE”



Move lever, to which control wire is fastened at

engine, to full choke position and retighten screw to

secure throttle control wire assembly.

BELT ADJUSTMENT - After the first one-half hour of

operation the slack in the belt must be taken up. After
this initial adjustment the belt will require only check­
ing after every 25 hours of operation. To tighten the

belt, remove the three truss head machine screws (46)
and lockwashers (47) and remove the blade spindle

cover (52). Loosen the three hex nuts (60) holding the
engine to the frame assembly (29) and pull the engine

back until the belt (51) has a 1/4” deflection when

depressed by hand. Tighten the hex nuts (60) and
reassemble shroud.


CUTTING BLADE - The blade may easily be removed

grinding or replacement as follows;
1. Remove bolt and lock washer holding blade and hub

assembly to blade spindle.

2. Remove blade and hub assembly from blade spindle.

Remove two bolts, lock washers and nuts holding

blade to blade hub.

When sharpening blade, follow the original angle of

grind as a guide. It is extremely important that each
cutting edge receives an equal amount of grinding to

prevent an unbalanced blade. An unbalanced blade will
cause excessive vibration when rotating at high speeds

and may cause damage to the mower.

Upon reassembly, make certain all parts are assembled
properly and tightened securely.

DECK — The underside of mower deck should be clean-
after each period of use as grass clippings, leaves, dirt
and other matter will accumulate. This accumulation of
grass clippings, etc. is undesirable as it will invite

corrosion and may cause an uneven discharge of grass
clippings at the next cutting.

The deck may be cleaned by tilting the mower forward
or on its left side and scraping clean with a suitable
tool or by washing with a stream of water from a garden


CAUTION: Do not direct the stream of water at a hot

engine as damage to the engine may result.

STORAGE — The following steps should be taken to

prepare lawn mower for storage.

1. Clean and lubricate mower thoroughly as described

in the preceding instructions.

2. Refer to Engine Manual for correct engine storage


3. Coat mower’s cutting blade with chassis grease to

prevent rusting.

4. Place blocks under deck to raise tires clear of floor.
5. Store mower in a dry clean area.


IMPORTANT: Always stop engine and disconnect spark

plug wire before cleaning, lubricating or doing any kind
of work on lawn mower.

WHEELS — Front wheel bearings of Fortiflex require
no lubrication. Rear wheels of Lifetime graphoil bear­

ings require little lubrication. A light film of oil
applied to these bearings will reduce normal friction.







lever and throttle wire assembly with a few drops of
light oil (S.A.E. No. 10 or 20) for ease of operation.

E N G I N E — Follow Engine Manual for lubrication



For best results do not cut wet grass because it tends
to stick to underside of the mower thus preventing
proper discharge of grass clippings. If wet grass must
be cut reduce engine speed and walking speed to help

distribute the clippings more effectively.

New grass should be treated as wet grass, otherwise

a normal walking speed is about the right pace for
efficient mowing.

The best mowing pattern is one that allows the clip­
pings to discharge towards the uncut part of the lawn.

This permits recutting of the clippings to f u r t h e r
pulverize them. When cutting high weeds, discharge

towards cut portion then recut at right angles to first

Lawn should be cut in the fall as long as there is growth.

FORM NO. 770-27990