Manufacturer’s limited warranty – MTD 113-410A000 User Manual

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For TWO YEARS from the dat ì of retail purchase within the United States of America,
its possessions and territories. MTD PRODUCTS INC will, at its option, repair or
replace, for the original purchaser, free of charge, any part or parts found to be defec­
tive in material or workmanship. This warranty covers units which have been operated

and maintained in accordance with the owner’s instructions furnished with the unit,
and which have not been subject to misuse, abuse, commercial use, neglect, accident,
improper maintenance or altera tion. Normal wear parts or components thereof are sub­

ject to separate terms as noted below in the “NO FAULT Ninety Day Consumer

Warranty” clause.

NO FAULT Ninety Day Consumer Warranty on Normal Wear Parts: All normal wear
part failures will be covered on this product for a period of 90 days regardless of cause. After 90 days,
but within the two year warranty peri 3d, normal wear part failures will be covered if caused by defects
in material or workmanship of othe ■ component parts. Normal wear parts are defined as batteries,
belts, blades, blade adapters, grass ba js, rider deck wheels, seats and tires.

How to Obtain Service: Warrant / service is available, with proof of purchase, through your local
authorized service dealer or distribuì 3r. To locate the dealer or distributor in your area, please check
the yellow pages or contact the Cusiomer Service Department of MTD PRODUCTS INC, P.O. Box
368022, Cleveland, Ohio 44136-9722, phone (216) 225-7711. The return of a complete unit will not be
accepted by the factory unless prior ■ vritten permission has been extended by the Service Department

Transportation Charges: Transportation charges for the movement of any power equipment unit
or attachment are the responsibility o ' the purchaser. Transportation charges for any part submitted for
replacement under this warranty mus be paid by the purchaser unless such return is requested in writ­

Units Exported Out of the Unit« d States: MTD PRODUCTS INC does not extend any warranty
for products sold or exported outside of the United States of America, its possessions and territories,
except, those sold through MTD’s authorized channels of export distribution.

Other Warranties:

1. The engine or motor or component parts thereof carry separate warranties from their manu­

facturers. Please refer to the appi:cable manufacturer’s warranty on these items.

2. Log splitter pumps, valves and cylinders or component parts thereof are covered by a one year


All other warranties, express o * implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability
or fítness for a particular purpi »se are hereby expressly disclaimed in their entirety.

4. The provisions as set forth in


PRODUCTS INC’s obligations a
not be liable for incidental or c<

How State Law Relates to Thi
rights, and you may also have other
allowed in some states and therefore t

Note: This warranty does not cover:
ening and tune-ups, or adjustments st
Nor does this warranty cover normal i

his warranty provide the sole and exclusive remedy of MTD
rising from the sale of its products. MTD PRODUCTS INC will
insequential loss or damage.


Warranty: This limited warranty gives you specific legal

ights which vary from state to state. Certain disclaimers are not
hey may not apply to you under all circumstances.

outine maintenance items such as lubricants, filters, blade sharp­

ed as brake adjustments, clutch adjustments or deck adjustments,
leterioration of the exterior finish due to use or exposure.





MTD PRODUCTS INC • P.O. Box 368022 • Cleveland, Ohio 44136-9722

This manual is related to the following products: