MTD 113-112 User Manual

Page 7

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DECK — The underside of mower deck should be cleaned

after each period of use as grass clippings, leaves, dirt and

other mattter will accumulate. This accumulation of grass

clippings, etc., is undesirable as it will invite rust and

corrosion and may cause an uneven discharge of grass

clippings at the next cutting.

The deck may be cleaned by tilting the mower forward or

on its side and scraping clean with a suitable tool or by

washing with a stream of water from a garden hose.

CAUTION: Do not direct the stream of water at a hot

engine as damage to the engine may result.

STORAGE — The following steps should be taken to

prepare lawn mower for storage.

1. Clean and lubricate mower thoroughly as described in

the preceding instructions.

2. Refer to engine manual for correct engine storage


3. Coat mower's cutting blade with chassis grease to

prevent rusting.

4. Place blocks under deck to raise tires clear of floor.

5. Store mower in a dry, clean area.


For the best results do not cut wet grass because it tends to

stick to the underside of the mower, thus preventing proper

discharge of grass clippings. If wet grass must be cut, reduce

walking speed to help distribute the clippings more


New grass should be treated as wet grass, otherwise a

normal walking speed is about the right pace for efficient

mowing. The best mowing pattern is one that allows the

clippings to discharge towards the uncut part of the lawn.

This permits recutting of the clippings to further pulverize

them. When cutting high weeds, discharge towards cut

portion, then recut at right angles to first direction.

Lawn should be cut in the fall as long as there is growth.

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