Accessories – SINGER 112W110 User Manual
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Parts for Machine No. Г12\л/110
. No.
; 200782ц
Tlirf'.’Ul ( J l K I l d S $ <^2 210061 12227 “ “ J’liinger (2) ....................................................... 04 210062 12227 “ " " Spring (2) ...................................................... 01 200Б82П 12222 " “ Screw (2) .......................................................... 02 21096.2 12227 " “ Soikot (2) ......................................................... 60 200,2П8и 12210 “ “ “ Sel Screw (2) . . . . 0 2 224020 12229 Tlivnat, Plate, for 222627, in gauges 7',, h and r('., inch ................................................................ 1 60 224021 12227 Thrnal. I’late. for 22.2629, hi gauges and inch ...................................................................... 1 75 222884 12210 Throat I’hiti', for 22262S, in gauges fmni 4 to ■iil In., in sli'ps of ,(h inch ............................. 1 75 224022 12227 Throat Plate, for 222621, in gauges from ,V to in., in sieiiB of inch........................................ 1 85 22402.7 12240 Throat I’late, for 222611, In gauges from 1 to 1?! in., in slcjis of inch ................................... 2 Oh 200I6H) 12209 'I'hroat Piale ('hinip Screw .......................................... 04 202062 12210 “ “ pofiition Tin ....................................................... 0! 6 9 I f 12210 " “ Screw ................................................................... 04 No. Plate 2001 Гм 11 П2П 20:М7(1 22.Г 107 22 ;:оог> о I N 7 222702 И too :;i;.77 S :!(;.770 22Г, IOS '’ ‘ Г) t 10770 10771 I 0771 10771 10771 1 0771 1 2226 L'OOr.TTir 12.21 1 *21 OiM’iS — 21)2171 1 2,226 20022 1 Г) 1 16 1 1 202172 Г.1226 20iilt:i 1) 12200 202I72 12,226 2oo;:snr 1 1 611 *2101))‘i!l 210070 MCI 1 210071 1 161 1 2000.".f;i': 1 161 1 202 177 M6I 1 2ОП200П I22II 2ОО200И 1221 1 20ir.:!7ir 1 1 6 11 20217K 1 1 6 1 1 200200П 12211 222.720 12226, ACCESSORIES Name Each Mtoohinrnl Screw ........................................................... $ OTi I lolibin ( 1 0 ) ............................................................. 00 C,'is(> Screw Driver ........................................ Ю l''eed lieiruIalhiK I,nek Screw Ke\' ............................. 00 Xeiolles. Iwelvi', size I I ......................... I’l-r doz. 20 l)ri|i Гаи, 20 in. IniiK, will) I'mir I in. wire nails ..................................................................................... 0,7 Mactiiiii' U('Sl Tin (wond) .................................................... 01 Oiler willi 00770 ....................................................... lo Spoiil, 0 in. lon.i; ............................................ 00 Sci'ew Di iver, 7 i n . lonp ......................................... I ,"i Wrinicli (steel) ...................................................... 10 BOBBIN WINDER Swinc) Automatic, Right Hand Itohliin Winder liase .............................................................. 20 Screw .................................. ('2 ■■ lloliliin Holder .................................. “ “ l''ranie ........................................ 17 “ " lllniu' Scr'ew ......................... 12 “ “ “ Silling ....................................... 07 Scn‘w ......................... 01 I’nlle.v w i t h 200:!SI)c ........................ 20 “ '• " Sel Screw ................................... 02 Spindle ........................................... “ ■■ 210000 with 2 IODOS 77 " “ Slop l.alidi .................................... 10 Screw ......................... 02, '■ '■ •' “ 'I'lininh lawer 17 Hinge Screw ...................................................... 07 ИоЬЫп Winder Slnj) l.aleh Thiiinb I,ever .lopit Screw ......................................................................... 07 lloliliin Winder Sto|i Htilcli Tliiiiiili l.evi'r .Iniiit Screw Niit ................................................................ 02 llohhin Winder Stop Hatidi Tri|i I.ever 10 Screw ...................................................... 07 lloliliin Winder comiilele, Nos 200070к, 2001(1111, 200221T1, 20172711. 202471 lo 202 172, 202177, 20247S, 210070, 2Ю071. 222725 and three 2П0290п ..................................... 1 70