SINGER 105-20 User Manual
Page 14
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N O . 1 > L . \ T 1 0
f)iltl!) 7359 Slack Thread Rull-olT Eyelet Plate with
()37()7, for 59123.........................................
59121) 7359 Slack'rhrea 59121 7302 d'eu.sioii (under thread) Hiacket........................... 5!)122 7302 'I'hread (under) N ippcr Bracket for 59423 ----- “ “ “ “ 59422 with 9547, 59301, 59419 and two 03707.............. 59424 7359 'Phread (under)'I'ake-up Si ripper......................... 59425 7302 “ (upper) (.dier;k Spring................... 59420 7300 “ “ “ “ B r a c k e t with 2273, 59427 and two 904c.................... ’•5i)427 731)0 Thread (upper) Check Spring Bracket Stuil for 59120.............................................. 5942S 7300 Tliread (up[)ei') ('/icck .Spring liegnl.iiing Stud............................................................... 59429 7300 'Phreiid (\ii)))er) Eyelet (.side of :irm) . . . . ,59430 7300 “ “ Take-up.............................. 59431 73t)3 Throat Plate for 59403.......................................... 5!I440 ------ Keed Bar 5920!) wit ii 59210 and 59211... 5!)f91 7305 Ann Rotary .Sliaft................................................. *594!)4 -------- l’'eed Ecceulric Body w i t h 42727, for 59495............................................................ 59195 7355 h'eeil Ifccentric (ailjuslahle) couiplete. Nos. 217 e , 7071, .50,3280, .59213, ,594!)4 and I wo ,51001c........................................... *59503 7305 Needle Bai' I.evi'r ('onnialiiig Rod Cap (lower) for 59007.......................................... 5!)505 73.58 I’lcs.ser Bar lafling Bnicket w i t h 391,1, 1143c, 5IS10, ,51811 and 5ISI5................... 59500 73,58 Pressi-r Bar lafling Bracket (unde....................... 5!)509 7301 lafling I.ei i'r for .59.512...................................... 59.510 7301 “ “ Spring for ,59512......................... 59511 7301 " “ Slop for ,59512............................ 59512 ------ Knee lafler coinplele (powaa'talilel, Nos. 211), 219,1, 320 10, 32135, .59.509 lo 59511 59518 7357 Keed lafling Ecceniric w i t h two 501.50c, for 59,519..................................................... .59519 ------ h'eeil lafling Eccentric .59518 with 59220 52045. . .'...................................................... .59524 7355 Arm Rotary .Shaft Biisiiing (fronl; with ,52045........................................................... .59,52,5 7355 .Ann Rotary Shaft Bushing (intennediate) with ,5201.5.................................................. 595(54 7(502 'Pension (under thread) .Spi'ing............................. ,5i).535 7(502 “ (upper thread) .Spring....................... 21 NUMliRICAL LIST OK I'ARTS NO. IM,.\TE N.AME 59537 7302 Tension (under thread) Spring Bushing (large)............................................................ .59537 7302 Tension (upper thread) Spring Bushing (large)............................................................ .59.538 7302 Tension (under thread) Spring Bu-shing (small)........................................................... 5!)538 7302 Tension (upper thread) Spring Bushing (small)........................................................... 59,539 -------- Tension (under thread) Screw Stud 50320c with 51570c................................................... 59539 ---------Tension (upper thread) Screw Stud 50326c with 51570c................................................... 59544 7358 Presser Bar................................................................ .59005 73,50 Needle Bar I^ever Connecting Rod Eccen tric with 448c, 1299c and two 59600, for 59608....................................................... .59000 7350 Needle Bar Lever Connecting Rod Eccen tric Lubricating Pad (wood) for 59605 ,50007 7365 Needle Bar Lever Connecting Rod with 55515, 59242, 59503, 12883,5 and two each 141 e and 647 e , for 59608.................... 59608 --------- Needle Bar Lever Connecting Rod 59607 with 59240 and 59605.................................. 63767 7362 Slack 'Phread Pull-off Eyelet Plate Pin for 59419....................................................... 63767 7362 Slack 'Phread Pidl-off Eyelet Position Pin for 59423....................................................... 120265 7360 Edge Kohler (adjustable) on Shank......................... 120344 7366 Oiler (copper plated) with 120345 (Accesi- sories)............................................................ P20(i45 7366 Oiler Spout, 5 in. long, for 120344 (/Acces sories) ........................................................... 128835 7356 Needle Bar Lever Connecting Rod Eccen tric Oil Cup for 59607.................................. *1.50057 ------ Thread Pinwinder 'Phread Sejiarator for 150058.......................................................... 1,500,58 20778 'Phread UnwinderThreadSeparator 150057 with L50059, for 150061.............................. *1.50059 --------Thread U n w i n d e r Thread Separator Bracket for 150058....................................... 1.50000 20778 Thread U n w i n d e r Thread Separator Bracket Arm with 164j and 9.525, for 150001.......................................................... 1.50001 ------- d'hread Unwinder Thread Separator coin- Ijlete for 150178, Nos. 164.1,9525,150058 iiiul 150000................................................... NUMERICAL LIST OF PARTS 25 18 (i 8 li —1
59523 7355 .Arm Rotary Shaft Bushing (hack) with
120341 7306 'Pweezers (curved) Accessories............................