SINGER 147-29 User Manual
Page 10
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12;{(;о «001
50000 som
081 IS 0850
08110 ----------
oi:i87 --------
410r 8001
OIOSS 8001
01280 ----------
42:i<' 8001
52015 8001
51001 8901
45:!(' 8901
51005 8901
500S:!i: 8901
01255 8011
45:i(! 8001
52015 8001
45:1c 8901
08218 ----------
541107 9000
701c 8901
54007 8002
51089 --------
04508 8902
.Anil Oil P;i .Arm Rock Shaft I’rimt Hearing................ Ann Oil Fad (braided cotton) for oiling Arm Rock Shaft Iiitemiediale Hearing. Arm Oil 'I’uhe with 52015, for oiling 081:17 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 54:i20 “ “ “ Racking (hraideil cotton). . “ Rock Shaft................................................ “ “ 08118 with 51001, 510t)5 and 01255................................................... .Arm Rock Shaft Hn.shing (hack)................. “ “ “ “ “ 0 1 :i 8 0 with 52015.................................................. Arm Rock Shaft Hu.ahiiig (back) Set Screw “ “ “ “ (intermediate) Oi:i88 with 52045...................................... .Arm Roidv Shaft Huahiiig (intermediate) Set Scrmv................................................... .Arm Rock Shaft HnahingOil Fad (braided cotton)........................................................ .Arm Rock Shaft Collar with two 45:ir; . . “ “ “ “ Set Screw................ “ “ “ Crank (back) with two 5008:ic....................................................... .Arm Rock ShaftCrank (back) Set Screw “ “ “ “ (front) with 45:ic “ “ “ “ “ Fin........... “ “ “ “ “ Set Screw “ “ “ h’langed Hushing (front ) Oil Fad (bnuded cotton)............................. Arm Rock Shaft Flanged Hushing (froni) Set Screw.................................................... .Arm Rotary Shaft.......................................... “ “ “ OSllOwithOiOic, 54t)88, 54:i8:i, 51450, 0i:i51, 0 t:i55, 08010 and Arm Rotary Shaft Hushing (front)................. “ “ “ “ “ Set Screw.......................................................... Arm Rotary Shaft Hushing (intermediate) U U U it 54007 with 04508 anil 04805.................... Arm Rotary Shaft Hushing (intermediate) Oil Fad, long (braided cotton)................... ,\UTS FOR M.VCIIIN'K No, 1 17-:i8 PARTS FOR M.VCHINE No. 117-38 21 NO. CI..VTE NAME 01805 9000 Arm Rotary Shaft Hushing (intermediate) Oil Fad, short (braided cotton)................... 422() 8901 Arm Rotary Sh.ift Hushing (intenneiliale) Set Screw (long)......................................... 50081 Set Screw (short)........................................ 54150 9000 Arm Rotary Shaft Collar with two 1258c 1258c 8901 “ “ “ “ Set Screw..... 54000 8902 “ “ “ Flanged Hushing... 54090 ---------- “ “ “ “ “ 54009 with 58039 and 64805................................ 58039 8902 .Arm Rotary Shaft Flanged Hushing Oil Fad, long (braided cotlon).......................... Ü4805 9000 Arm Rotary Shaft Flanged Bushing Oil Fad, short (braided cotton)......................... 159 e 8901 i\rm Rotary Shaft Flanged Hushing Screw 49013 8904 “ “ “ Front, Hearing Oil Fad (braided cotton).......................................... 1 l ln 8901 .Arm Rotary Shaft Screw................................... 15190 8902 “ Side Cover (baek).............................. 280n 8904 “ “ “ “ Thumb Screw . . . 540 to 8904 “ “ “ (front).............................. 2861) 8904 “ “ “ “ Thumbscrew... 54210 9855 Balance Wheel, ‘¿Ys in. imllcy, with two 430c............................................................. 430c 8904 Balance Wheel Set Screw................................... 68142 9850 Cloth Plate.......................................................... “ “ Flxtension.................................... lOllF 8904 “ “ “ Screw............................... 54309 9000 “ “ OilTube with 49092, for oiling 54458.......................................................... 49092 8908 Cloth Plate Oil Tube Packing (felt)................... “ “ Slide (left)................................. 38419 8904 “ “ “ “ Spring.................. 725.1 8904 “ “ “ “ “ Screw....... 54013 -------- Cloth Plate Slide (left) complete, Nos 38419, 54012 and two 725.(..................... 68191 ----- Clot h Plate Slide (right) for 68192.................. 38419 8904 “ “ “ “ Spring................ 7251 8904 “ “ “ “ “ Screw.. 68192 ------Cloth Plate Slide (right) complete, Nos 38419, 68191 and two 725 j ........................ 08260 -------- Cloth Plate complete, for in. to in gaufees, for 68198, Nos. 54013, 54309, 68142 and 68192........................................ lOllE 8904 Cloth Plate Screw (left)........................................... 504 73 f 8904 “ “ “ (right)..................................
68115 9850
51012 8902