Preparation for use, Unpacking and set up, Protect your furniture – Emerson SMARTSET CKS1850C User Manual

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Remove the radio from the carton and remove all packing material from the

radio. We suggest that you save the packing material, if possible, in the unlikely

event that your radio ever needs to be returned for service. The original carton

and packing material is the only safe way to pack your radio to protect it from

damage in transit.

• Remove any descriptive labels or stickers on the front or top of the cabinet. Do

not remove any labels or stickers from the back or bottom of the cabinet.

• Note the serial number on the bottom of your radio and write this number in the

space provided on Warranty Page of this manual.

• Place your radio on a level surface such as a table, desk or shelf, convenient

to an AC outlet, out of direct sunlight, and away from sources of excess heat,

dirt, dust, moisture, humidity, or vibration.

• Unwind the AC power cord and extend it to its full length. The FM antenna is

built in to this cord. It must be fully extended to provide the best FM reception.


This model is equipped with non-skid rubber 'feet' to prevent the product

from moving when you operate the controls. These 'feet' are made from

non-migrating rubber material specially formulated to avoid leaving any

marks or stains on your furniture. However certain types of oil based

furniture polishes, wood preservatives, or cleaning sprays may cause the

rubber 'feet' to soften, and leave marks or a rubber residue on the furniture.

To prevent any damage to your furniture we strongly recommend that you

purchase small self-adhesive felt pads, available at hardware stores and

home improvement centers everywhere, and apply these pads to the bottom

of the rubber 'feet' before you place the product on fine wooden furniture.