Slumbering, Power breakdown, Slumber time – Philips AJ3600 User Manual

Page 7: Note, Battery, Recommendation, Slumber maintenance

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The clock radio has a built-in slumberfunction-. With

this function you can continue to listen to the radio

while falling asleep. You do not need to switch off the

radio yourself. This happens automatically.

The period during which you continue to listen to the

radio is called the slumber time. You can set this

yourself. The maximum slumber time is 59 minutes.

Slumber time
• If you wish to slumber for 59 minutes, you should

simply press SLUMBER button As long as you

press the button, the display will show a slumbertime
of 59 minutes.
• If you wish to slumber for less than 59 minutes,
then keep SLUMBER button © depressed. The

display will now slowly begin to count down from 59
to 00 minutes. As soon as the required slumber time
is reached, release the button.

You may switch off the radio before the slumber time

has expired.
• Press the button SLUMBER OFF © and the radio

will switch off.


- The slumber function will not operate if function

switch © is set to RADIO ON, because the radio

will then simply stay on.

- The slumber function has no influence on the alarm


- During slumbering the radio is often on very low.

Bear this in mind if you wish to be woken the,next
day, as you will perhaps sleep through the sound

of the radio.

As soon as the power fails, the whole appliance wiii

be switched off.

When the power returns, the figures on the display will

begin to blink. The clock radio is thereby indicating
that you must set the correct time and alarm time.


You may fit a 9 volt battery in the clock radio. If the

power then fails, the clock will in any case continue

to operate. This will not however be visible, because
the battery does not power the lighting of the clock

display. As soon as the power returns the display will

show the correct time.

To be perfectly clear: Alarm, radio and display do

not operate on the battery.

• Insert the battery into the compartment in the base

of the appliance (see illustration).

Replace the battery once a year. It cannot be stated

precisely how long the battery will last. This depends
completely on how often and for how long the power

fails. This may vary from country to country or even

region to region.
If you will not be using the appliance for any length
of time, then it is advisable to remove the battery from

the appliance, to avoid the possibility of leakage and

consequently damage to the appliance.


- Rngerprints, dust and dirt on the appliance should

be removed with a clean, damp cloth or chamois
leather. Do not use products containing abrasives
or solvents for cleaning (spirit, thinner, alcohol
etc.), as these may damage the casing.

- Rain, damp and excessive heat are bad for the

appliance. The clock radio should not therefore be

left in direct sunlight or near heating apparatus.