H-B Instrument 702 User Manual

Page 2

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3. Operating Instruction

1.1 Normal states

1. Hold ‘Time’ to enter into time setting
2. Click ’Alm’ to switch the alarm on/off
3. Hold ‘Alm’ for 2 seconds to enter into alarm setting
4. Click “Up” to switch between 12hr/24hr
5. Press “Down” to switch between °C/°F
6. Press “Channel” to switch RF channel, CH1 CH2CH3
7. Hold “Channel” key for 2 seconds to clear out all data of current “Channel”
8. when ALARM rings, click “SNZ/LIGHT” to enter into the snooze state every 5


1.2 Time Set
1. Hold “SET” key for 2 seconds to enter into time setting
2. There will have 1Hz flashing during setting
3. The sequence of time setting: Year(2000-2099) Month Date  Language 

Hour  Minute  Time zone Exit

4. Press “Up” one time, the setting will go ahead for one step; hold the key for 2 seconds,

it will run forward by 8 steps/second

5. Press “Down” one time, the setting will backward for one step; hold for 2 seconds, it

will run back by 8 steps/second.

6. Moon phase is changed accordingly time changed.
7. The system will exit automatically if no key is operated in 8 seconds.
1.3 Alarm Set

1. Hold “Alm” key for 2 second to enter into alarm setting
2. There will have 1Hz flashing during setting
3. The sequence of alarm setting: Hour  Minute  exit
4. Press “Up” one time, the setting will go ahead for one step; hold the keys for

2 seconds, it will run forward by 8 steps/seconds.

5. Press “Down” one time, the setting will backward for one step; hold for 2 seconds, it

will run back by 8 steps/second.

6. Press “Alm” to confirm the setting, and enter the next setting state

7. The system will exit automatically if no key is operated in 8 seconds and will keep

final setting value.

8. Click ‘Alm’ key to open or close alarm
9. The BUZZER will ring every two minutes as blow:

a. 0 – 10 sec.: one “beep” per second
b. 10 – 20 sec.: two “beep” per second
c. 20 – 30 sec.: four “beep” per second
d. after 30 sec.: “ “Beep” continuously

10. When ringing, click “SNZ/LIGHT” key once to enter into 5 minutes snooze states,