C2k introduction, The zapco competition 2000 series amplifiers – Zapco C2K User Manual

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C2K Introduction

The ZAPCO Competition 2000 Series Amplifiers

Thank you for considering ZAPCO and congratulations on

your purchase of our Competition 2000 series product.

The ZAPCO competition series has long been considered the finest

sound quality amplifier for competitive use. For the year 2000, we once
again raise the bar and take the quest for sonic purity to its next level. Our
new Competition chassis and updated circuit design have not only brought
improved cosmetics and more features to the line, they have done what
many thought was impossible. They have actually improved the sonic
performance of the competition series.

In one of the many rave reviews of ZAPCO products last year, one

writer stated that ZAPCO’s circuit design and construction quality were
“head and shoulders” above the competition. We can only imagine what
they’ll be saying this year.

In developing this manual, we have tried to include all the technical

information needed to properly install and use the product. We have also
included a good deal of information which we hope will help you
understand what makes our Competition series different from all other
products, and why we at ZAPCO believe it’s worth the time, money, and
effort to design and build our amps and processors the way we do.

We hope you will read and enjoy the manual in its entirety, that you

will have many years of musical pleasure from the product. If you should
have any questions or comments, they will be both welcome and
appreciated. You can contact us on the net at

or by

phone at (209) 577-4268.

Thank you, from all of us at ZAPCO.