Section 5:troubleshooting, My pda will not connect with my 6-series sonde, Section 5: troubleshooting – YSI SondeCom User Manual

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This troubleshooting guide lists some common problems and their solutions. Please check this
list before calling YSI customer support.

I do not have the Palm OS version 3.5 or higher; how do I upgrade?
In order to run SondeCom, you must use Palm OS 3.5 or greater. Many of the PDAs on the
market have upgradeable flash ROM. If you do not know whether or not you have upgradeable
flash ROM, then you will need to consult your PDA's user manual or contact your PDA sales

If you do not have upgradeable flash ROM, then you will be unable to update your OS. Using
flash ROM is more expensive than using traditional ROM; that is why some companies choose
not to use it. The advantage is that flash ROM can be erased and reprogrammed.

If you do have flash ROM, then you can download an OS upgrade from the Palm Store web
page (

). Also, some of the PDA manufacturers will sell you an OS upgrade

(consult your manufacturer for more information).

My PDA is fixed on one screen and is not responding to buttons or screen taps.
In the rare event that this happens, you will need to reset your device. First try a soft reset, if
that doesn't work, then you may have to do a hard reset. To do a soft reset just poke the end of a
paper clip or a needle through the pin-hole in the back of your device labeled reset (this process
should be described in your PDA's user manual also). If that does not work, then you may have
to do a hard reset (which should also be described in your PDA manual). Doing a hard reset

will erase all of the memory on your PDA and bring it back to way it was
when you first turned it on. First, poke and hold down the reset button as
described in the soft reset. Then, press and hold down the power button.
After you have both buttons depressed, let go of the reset button while still
holding on to the power button. Finally, release the power button and the
device should show the screen shown on the left. If you press the up
arrow button located beneath your screen, then you will erase all of the
memory on your PDA and start from the beginning. If you press any

other button, it will not reset.

My PDA will not connect with my 6-Series sonde.
The first thing to do is make sure that your sonde has power. Are the batteries ok? If you are
not using batteries, then is your sonde plugged in?
Next, make sure that you have the proper cable connections. See the section "

Connect your PDA to

a sonde


After using SondeCom, the sonde is sending me funny lines of data when I use
my PC terminal.
You may see some unfamiliar information coming from the sonde after using SondeCom. That
is because SondeCom uses a special interface with the sonde that is useful to a PDA, but a little