Setting up sensors & reporting parameters (4 - 5) – YSI 556 MPS - Quick Start Guide User Manual

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Although a sensor may be installed on the probe of the 556, it must be enabled in the
Sensor menu for it to operate. Once a sensor is enabled, the parameters and units to
display for that sensor must then be selected in the Report menu.

1. From the main menu, select Sensor.
2. Sensors which are enabled will appear with a black dot. If a sensor is

disabled, it will appear with an empty circle. Use the arrow keys to highlight
the sensor you want to change. Press the Enter key to enable or disable it.

3. When Dissolved Oxygen is selected, a submenu will appear with a selection of

membranes. Each membrane type is also identified by the color of the
membrane cap. Highlight the desired membrane choice and press Enter to
activate the selection. Press Esc to return to the Sensor menu.

4. Once changes to the Sensor menu have been completed, press Esc to return to

the main menu.

5. Select the Report menu option.
6. Parameters which are enabled will appear with a black dot. If a parameter is

disabled, it will appear with an empty circle. Use the arrow keys to highlight
the parameter you want to change. Press the Enter key to enable or disable it.

7. For some parameters, a new submenu will appear to allow a selection of units

for the parameter. Make a selection from the submenu and then press Esc to
return to the Report menu.

8. Once all changes are complete, press Esc to return to the main menu.


Note: The following information is only for 556 Instruments equipped with the
optional internal barometer.

1. Determine your local barometric pressure (BP) in mmHg from a mercury

barometer, an independent laboratory or from a local weather service. If the
BP reading has been corrected to sea level, use the following equation to
determine the true BP in mmHg for your altitude:

True BP = (Corrected BP) – {2.5 * (Local Altitude/100)}

2. Select System Setup from the main menu and then select Calibrate


3. Use the keypad to input the known barometric pressure as determined in steps

1 and 2. Press Enter to confirm the value.

4. Press Esc to return to the main menu.