Visual Sound Tap Delay User Manual
Visual sound tap delay

Visual Sound Tap Delay
- sample settings -
There are an endless variety of settings to experiment with and use with
the Visual Sound Tap Delay. Here are just a few to get you started. As you
will soon find out, there is really not a bad setting to be found with this
pedal. Enjoy!
You Too?
Ricochet Delay
Rolled Off Tap Delay
Chorus Verb
Internal Switches: (Remove bottom cover to see internal switches)
Effect – Buffer: For Output 2 only. Changes Out 2 from parallel effect (same as
Out 1) to Dry signal from input buffer circuit. Stock setting: Effect
Trailing – No Trailing: In Trailing mode, allows delayed repeats to continue after
turning off delay. In No Trailing mode, delayed repeats are cut off delay is
turned off. Stock setting: No Trailing
NOTE: You must re-tap the tempo after changing Time Division or switching from
Manual mode.
ver. 2012 0330