Celestron NexStar HC User Manual

Page 11

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With both eyes open, look through the glass window at the alignment star.


If the Star Pointer is perfectly aligned, you will see the red LED dot overlap the alignment star. If the Star Pointer
is not aligned, take notice of where the red dot is relative to the bright star.


Without moving the main telescope, turn the Star Pointer's azimuth and altitude alignment controls until the red
dot is directly over the alignment star.

If the LED dot is brighter than the alignment star, it may make it difficult to see the star. Turn the variable brightness
control counterclockwise, until the red dot is the same brightness as the alignment star. This will make it easier to get an
accurate alignment. The Star Pointer is now ready to be used . Remember to remove the plastic cover over the battery,
and always turn the power off after you have found an object. This will extend the life of both the battery and the