VACUUBRAND PC 8 m. RC 6 User Manual
Page 38

Removing the hose connection at the outlet:
Disconnect the hose between the distributor at the outlet and the fitting
with hose nozzle (pump outlet) from the fitting with the hose nozzle.
Loosen the union nut with an open end wrench. Then turn the fitting a
quarter of a turn to remove the hose from the fitting.
Remove the fitting with the hose nozzle.
Assembling the connecting tube:
Screw the elbow fitting with extension (1)
into the pump outlet.
Assemble the connecting hose (2) to the dis-
tributor at the outlet. Turn the elbow fitting
(1) with an open end wrench to slip the con-
necting hose onto the connector. Tighten the
union nut (3) first by hand and then tighten
one full turn using an open end wrench.
Screw the short elbow fitting (4) into the el-
bow fitting with extension (1).
Assemble the connecting tube (5) to the ex-
haust waste vapor condenser. Slip the union
nut onto the connecting tube (with backside
ahead, see (6)). Slip the connecting tube
as far as it will go onto the elbow fitting (4).
Tighten the union nut (6) first by hand and
then tighten one full turn using an open end
Underlay with the serrated washers and fixate with the hex nuts using
an open end wrench (w/f 10).
Put pumping unit in normal operating position.
Assemble the connecting tube at the outlet of the pump.
Installation with chemistry diaphragm pump
MD 12C or MV 10C