VACUUBRAND PC 2004 VARIO without controller User Manual
Page 19

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Documents are only to be used and distributed completely and unchanged. It is strictly the users´ responsibility to check
carefully the validity of this document with respect to his product. manual-no.: 999080 / 24/04/2008
➨ Check for washers. Do not mix the washers from the differ-
ent heads. Make sure that the original number is reassem-
bled at the individual pump head.
☞ Smaller number of washers: The pump will not attain final
vacuum. More washers: Clamping disc will hit head cover;
noise or even blockade of the pump.
➨ Position new diaphragm between diaphragm clamping disc
with square head screw and diaphragm support disc.
☞ Note: Position diaphragm with white PTFE side to diaphragm
clamping disc (to pump chamber).
Replacing the diaphragm
➨ Use face wrench to remove diaphragm support disc.
➨ Remove head cover from housing cover insert and check
valves. Note position of valves and remove.
☞ Replace valves if necessary.
➨ Use petroleum ether or industrial solvent to remove depos-
its. Do not inhale.
➨ Check diaphragm for damage and replace if necessary. Use
Phillips screw driver to remove four countersunk head screws
and lift off housing plate.
➨ Use the face wrench with torque indicator to assemble
diaphragm clamping disc, diaphragm and diaphragm sup-
port disc (and eventually washers) to the connecting rod.
☞ Make sure that the square head screw of the diaphragm
clamping disc is correctly seated in the guide hole of the
diaphragm support disc.
☞ Optimum torque for the diaphragm support disc: 6 Nm.
☞ The optimum torque is achieved if the pointer in the handle
of the VACUUBRAND face wrench shows to the longer mark-
ing line.
Assembling pump heads
➨ By turning eccentric bushing (front of connecting rod), bring
connecting rod into a position in which diaphragm is in con-
tact with housing and centred with respect to bore.