TriangleTube Prestige Excellence Part 2 User Manual

Page 15

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Water Heater Start-Up


Water temperatures over 125ºF can cause
severe burns instantly, or death from scalds.

Feel water before bathing or showering.

Consumer Product Safety Commission and
some states recommend temperatures settings of
130ºF or less. Setting thermostat higher than
130ºF will increase risk of scald injury and
cause severe personal injury or death.

Water heated to a temperature suitable for
clothes washing, dish washing and other sanitiz-
ing needs will scald and cause permanent injury.

Children and elderly, infirm, or physically
handicapped persons are more likely to be
injured by hot water. Never leave them unat-
tended in or near a bathtub. If anyone using hot
water in the building fits this description, or if
state laws or local codes require certain water
temperatures at hot water faucets, take special

- Install the factory supplied automatic mix-

ing valve at water heater and/or install a
point of use mixing valve at each hot water
faucet, bath and shower outlet. Selection
and installation of point of use mixing
valves must comply with valve manufactur-
er’s recommendation and instructions.

- Use the lowest practical temperature setting.

- Check water temperature after any adjust-

ment of the mixing valve.

General Notes

Household water usage patterns will affect
water temperature at any faucet or shower.
Occasionally check temperature at each point
of use, then adjust the mixing valve setting
accordingly. Always recheck temperature after
adjusting the mixing valve.

Lowering the automatic mixing valve as indicat-
ed in these instructions will reduce water tem-
perature levels. Consult your installer or service