Crown Boiler KSZ175 User Manual

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table of contents

I. Product Description .............................................................. 2

II. Specifications ........................................................................ 2

III. Before Installing .................................................................... 3

IV. Locating the Boiler ............................................................... 4

V. Air for Combustion & Ventilation ......................................... 6

VI. Venting ................................................................................ 10

VII. System Piping Connections ................................................ 12

I Product Description

The KSZ series boiler is a cast iron oil-fired low pressure steam boiler designed for use in closed heating systems. This

boiler must be vented by natural draft into a lined masonry or metal chimney, or Type L vent. An adequate supply of air for

combustion, ventilation and dilution of flue gases must be available in the boiler room. This boiler has connections for use

with an indirect domestic water heater.
The KSZ series boilers are not designed for use in process or other “open” steam systems.

II Specifications

FIGurE 1: GEnEral cOnFIGuratIOn

VIII. Indirect Water Heater & Tankless Coil

Piping ........................................................... 14

IX. Fuel Line Piping ........................................... 17

X. Wiring ........................................................... 20

XI. Start-up and Checkout .................................. 24

XII. Service & Maintenance ................................ 27

XIII. Parts .............................................................. 32

This manual is related to the following products: