TL Audio VP-1 User Manual
Page 9

3.5 Insertion
The insertion points are interfaced via a 3 pin, 0.25” switched jack socket on the rear
of the unit. The pin connections are:
- Sleeve = Ground,
- Tip = Send,
- Ring = Return.
The insertion points are unbalanced, and operate at a nominal level of -2dBu . If used
as an additional send only (e.g. as a send to a tape machine or monitor mixing desk),
the Tip and Ring should be wired together, to preserve the signal path through the
insertion point.
3.6 Balanced
The +4dBu balanced output is via a balanced, 3 pin male XLR connector. The mating
connector should be wired as follows:
- Pin 1 = Ground (screen),
- Pin 2 = Signal Phase (“+” or “hot”),
- Pin 3 = Signal Non-Phase (“-” or “cold”).
If an unbalanced output is required from the XLR connector, pins 1 and 3 should both
be connected to ground.
3.7 Unbalanced
An unbalanced line output at -10dBu is provided, on a 0.25” mono jack socket. The
mating connector should be wired as follows:
- Tip = Signal Phase (“+” or “hot”).
- Screen = Ground.
3.8 Ventilation.
The unit generates a small amount of heat internally, mainly due to the valve heaters.
This heat should be allowed to dissipate by convection through the grill in the front
panel, which must not be obstructed. Do not locate the processor where it will be
subject to external heating, for example, in the hot air flow from a power amplifier or
on a radiator.