TL Audio VP-1 User Manual
Page 16

HF shelving at 2.2kHz, 5kHz, 8kHz and 12kHz
The EQ slopes have a second order 12dB/octave response, and the frequency values
are -3dB points. An associated gain control on both bands provides up to 15dB of cut
or boost on each selected frequency, controlling the full range of frequencies below
the LF corner frequency and above the HF corner frequency.
4.27 LM and HM parametric bands.
Both mid bands have fully parametric action, meaning that controls for frequency,
gain and bandwidth (Q) are provided. This allows a wide range of EQ possibilities
from general sweetening through to fairly drastic tonal surgery.
4.28 LM/HM
This control sets the particular frequency to be cut or boosted, and is variable over the
following ranges:
LM: 30Hz to 3kHz
HM: 1kHz to 18kHz
Note that there is a good deal of overlap between the two bands, allowing extensive
control over the 1kHz to 3kHz midrange, which is often where corrective EQ needs to
be applied.
4.29 LM/HM
The gain control allows up to 15dB of cut or boost to be applied to the selected
4.30 LM/HM Bandwidth. (Q)
This control governs the shape of the frequency response curve, specifically the width
of the band of frequencies to be cut/boosted. While the Frequency control sets the
centre frequency, the Q control regulates the broadness of the EQ curve either side of
this frequency. Narrow Q settings (about 7 at the minimum control position,
corresponding to about 0.15 octaves) result in sharp, narrow bandwidths generally
used for audio correction or effects. Intermediate settings, say 1 to 3, are generally
used to enhance or reduce a broader range of frequencies, typically to make an
instrument or vocal “stand out”, or recede, into the mix. Finally, low Q values (down
to about 0.7, or 1.5 octaves) provide more gentle contouring, or “sweetening” of the
4.31 EQ
The EQ Pre switch reverses the order of the compressor and EQ in the signal path. In
normal operation, the signal will pass through the compressor before the EQ section,