TL Audio 5052 User Manual

Page 24

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controls automatically become the ‘master’ for that stage, and channel B becomes
the ‘slave’. This means that when processing a stereo source or stereo mix, channel
A’s controls can be used to process both left and right signal paths simultaneously –
providing very quick and accurately matched stereo processing. Channel B’s controls
for those 3 processing stages effectively become inactive, meaning that only one set
of adjustments is required to process both signal paths. Please note that only the
compressor, EQ and limiter switches and controls are governed by the stereo link
mode – other sections such as input/output gain, preamp settings etc remain
independent - even in stereo mode - to allow separate gain balancing. To summarise
this, here is a table of controls that are not part of the stereo link facility, and thus
will remain independent and unlinked even in stereo mode:

Input source selector
Input gain control
30dB pad
Phase reverse
90Hz filter
System bypass switch
Output gain control

Note that by providing separate linking switches for compressor, EQ and limiter
modes it is possible to link some of these processing stages but not others.

In dual mono mode, the 5052 can process two separate signals (such as a vocal on
channel A and a bass guitar on channel B) and provide completely independent
control of each.

Stereo linked compression and limiting is essential to avoid imbalances in the stereo
image (known as “dips”) to appear on one side of a stereo signal, if the signal
exceeds the threshold on that side only. If a compressor/limiter has not been stereo
linked, the “dipping” of one channel can sound very obvious and unnatural. In linked
mode, if either signal crosses the threshold setting, both channels will react together
and will be compressed by the same amount.


Optional DO-2 Digital Output Card.

The 5052 is designed to accept the optional D0-2 24 bit digital A to D converter
card to allow easy interfacing with devices such as sound cards and digital recorders.