TL Audio 5052 User Manual

Page 10

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The insertion points are balanced, and operate at a nominal level of +4dBu.


Sidechain Insert Points.

The sidechain insert points allow access to the 5052 compressor sidechain (i.e. for
frequency conscious compression – see section 4.20) and are interfaced via a 3 pin,
0.25” switched jack socket on the rear of the unit. The pin connections are:

- Sleeve = Ground,

- Tip = Send,

- Ring = Return.

The sidechain insert point is unbalanced, and operates at a nominal level of -2dBu .
If used as an additional send only (e.g. as a send to a tape machine or monitor
mixing desk), the Tip and Ring should be wired together, to preserve the signal path
through the insertion point. If connecting the 5052 sidechain insert to a patchbay it is
important to ensure that the ‘send’ and ‘return’ are connected together when not in
use – if the send/return circuit is left open then this can cause incorrect operation of
the compressor stage.


Line Outputs.

The line outputs are provided on a balanced XLR connector, and also via an
unbalanced _” jack. Balanced operation is always preferable to maintain maximum
headroom and signal to noise ratio, but can only be used if the following equipment
is also capable of balanced operation:

Balanced outputs:

- Screen = Ground,

- Tip = Signal Phase (“+” or “hot”),

- Ring = Signal Non-Phase (“-” or “cold”).